Your Holstic Chiropractor In Sydney CBD.

Your Holistic Chiropractor in Sydney CBD.

Let’s face it, if one treatment had all the answers there wouldn’t be the need for so many therapies treating pain and there wouldn’t be so many suffering pain, tension and discomfort. Kierans approach takes the most effective techniques from a myriad of different approaches such as chiropractic, massage and physiotherapy, while leaving out the junk. This is why Kieran treats hands on for up to 45 minutes treating the variety of causes of pain (not just one) as well as offering day-to-day and self management strategies as well as lifestyle advice.

Saves You Time & Money.

Most people shouldn’t have to waste their time and money running around seeing several different professionals for the same issue. typically the different therapies will have very different explanations, often contradictory! Whatever they’re trained in, is what you get rather than a treatment suited to your individual needs, leaving pain sufferers confused, out of pocket and either on the treatment merry-go-round.

30-45 min. appointments

Cost Effective (see faq’s)

Over 15 Years Experience

Lifestyle Advice

Difficult Cases Welcome

Saves you money

Common Conditions Treated by Your Sydney Chiropractor

At Sydney Chiropractic & Massage our specialist treatment is ideal for those who are suffering chronic & acute back & neck pain, sciatica, headaches & shoulder pain. Your Sydney chiropractor is the only person in Australia trained as a myotherapist (SLM) and chiropractic. Your Sydney CBD chiropractor looks forward to helping you feel better, move better and become pain free again.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the CBD a chiropractor visit can be up to $85 for 10-minutes. With this symptomatic approach most people will more than likely need multiple visits a week and frequent and ongoing visits.

At Sydney Chiropractic & Massage you get a 30–45 minute treatment which includes chiropractic, massage, dry needling, myofascial cupping for only $90 & $120. This approach saves you money as you get much more hands-on time spent with you, with most people only needing 2-3 visits and there is no need to see several professionals for the same issue.

Unless you have had a history of trauma, cancer or other more serious symptoms you do not need x-rays. Research has clearly showed the things that show up on x-rays such as arthritis/degeneration, misalignment etc… are not related to pain. You could take an x-ray of a group of people who never/rarely gets back pain and the findings will be almost identical to someone who has back pain. The Chiropractic Board of Australia strongly recommends against the use of x-rays without proper clinical justification. Taking x-rays to look for misalignments & arthritis is not clinical justification & goes against not only chiropractic, but medical & physiotherapy guidelines.

I have seen them used countless times as a scare tactic and a marketing scam. Someone has back pain, they get x-rays taken, told there “spine is out” and they have “arthritis” (which everyone has) and that’s the cause of their pain & will need to commit to excessive & expensive “care plans” & out of fear a more likely to do so. A 2019 study in the prestigious European Spine Journal found imaging in low back pain is associated with higher treatment costs & increased treatment utilization. Which is great if you’re a dishonest practitioner or therapist looking to increase profits.

Generally speaking, the adjustments are quick and painless. Some people may be hesitant about getting certain areas of the body adjusted, in that case there are many effective alternate techniques which can be used if needed.

The massage for the most part is a good or relieving pain, it may get a bit intense at certain points but the pressure is always kept below your threshold & done in short intervals. Usually by the second treatment as the muscles have released the massage is usually very relaxing and most look forward to the muscle work especially after longs hours sitting at a desk.

This depends on the chiropractor and the referring doctor. I have several GP’s refer their musculoskeletal patients to me based on positive feedback from mutual patients and my high success rate. I also have doctors I see as patients.

Yes, assuming you are covered for chiropractic you can get private health fund reimbursement. To get chiropractic partly covered by Medicare you will need to get an Extra Patient Care form from your GP. This is totally at the GP’s discretion.

  • Sharon

    Chiropractor sydney
    Waterloo (Myotherapy client)
  • Sebastion

    Chiropractor sydney
    Randwick (Myotherapy client)
  • Lana

    Chiropractor sydney
    Darlinghurst (Myotherapy client)
  • I have for several years persevered with persistent pain in my lower back, neck and shoulders. Over the years I have tried everything to reduce the discomfort and at least make life a little more comfortable however everything I tried provided very little relief and the small amount I did achieve didn’t last long. Finding Kieran was actually a fluke it was a Saturday, I was experiencing real discomfort I had tried the general massage places that didn’t provide much relief. I literally stumbled onto Kieran’s practice and after the first session felt considerably better even after a week. I have continued seeing Kieran since as I am what is considered a work in progress. After trying everything and everybody for so many years, I feel extremely lucky to stumble on something that is actually helping.

  • I’ve experienced back pain for a very long time, often experiencing sleepless nights and having to take days off work. I’ve been referred to Physios by my GP to address the pain, but I hadn’t found anything that worked for me. I found Kieran purely by chance. I drove past his clinic to/from work, and decided to drop in to see if a massage would help. Since starting my weekly sessions, my back pain has reduced considerably and I’m no longer troubled by sleepless nights. Kieran focused not only on the location of the pain, but put a lot of effort into other areas which has made all the difference.  

  • I had been enduring an ongoing running related hip injury as well as neck and shoulder pain for more than six months before seeing Kieran. I was experiencing daily discomfort and was unable to do sport, despite costly osteopath and physiotherapy treatments. Kieran’s unique approach, which treats the whole body, delivered immediate relief to my back and neck pain, and after only another month or so of treatment my chronic hip pain had improved and I was back running and enjoying sport again. I highly recommend Kieran to anyone with an injury or discomfort.  

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